Small Town with Large Connections
Fubine, Italy is the town where Valerio Anzino was born. Valerio was born to Giovanni Anzino , ( 1807 Fubine — 1866 Torino), and Ippolita Lusanna, (1810 Altavilla — 1845 Fubine). Fubine’s population was likely around 2,500 at the time Valerio was born. Fubine’s current population is around 1,600. Based on analysis of Fubine birth, marriage, and death records, there were Anzinos in Fubine in the late 1500s. What hasn’t been determined yet is when they arrived in Fubine and where they came from. What is clear though, is that the Anzino family had connections to the House of Savoy and to the Cacherano di Bricharasio. Valerio’s uncle, Monsignor Giuseppe Anzino, had a clerical job in Torino working in the Chapel at the Royal Palace at least as early as 1825 at the age of 20. There are Notes About Valerio written by an unknown Fubinese author around 1905 that talk about the Cacheranos di Bricharasio helping to fund the priesthood education of Giuseppe. The Cacherano purchased a castle in Fubine in 1822 from Count Corrado Magnocavallo of Varengo , so funding Giuseppe’s education around 1822-1823 makes sense timing wise. Historical records of the Savoia government in the mid 1800s also identify a few Cacherano holding very important positions in the government. It is highly likely that once Monsignor Giuseppe Anzino assumed greater roles in the Savoia Chapel, that he was instrumental in getting Valerio his first job with the Savoia. When Valerio first shows up on the official annual Savoia Calendaria at the age of 17, his uncle Monsignor Giuseppe Anzino is working as a Chaplain in the Royal Chapel. What is lost to history is why the Cacherano extended that charitable offer to Giuseppe Anzino’s father around 1820.